Remember Baptism


Wow… I had a great time today as we discussed the mysterious idea of baptism.  Jesus chose to begin his public ministry with baptism and after his death, burial and resurrection he commanded us to go public with our beliefs through baptism as well. 

The message is on the blog now if you want to hear it again or pass it on to someone you care about.

I told you this morning that my pride kept me from being baptized for a period of time.  When my faith became genuine… when I really decided to follow Christ I was able to step over my pride and toward Christ.  That is the point I made Jesus the boss of my life.  That is the point I was ready for baptism.

Think about this… What stood in your way of real faith?  Or… what is standing in the way of real faith now?  When we answer that we answer the question…”in what do or did you place your faith?” 

For me… my faith was in my self… pride.  But now it is fully in Jesus.  I’m still not perfect but I have gone public.

More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist