Q and A part three


Where is the line between letting things go for the sake of peace and letting things go because confrontation is too difficult?  Where will the blame lie with these decisions?  I know we should never act or react without Godly wisdom, but sometimes things just do not seem extremely clear about the proper thing to do.

1 Peter 1:16 reminds us that we are all called to one standard… holiness… we are to be holy like God is holy.  Matthew 18 reminds us when believers do not live a lifestyle of holiness we are responsible to bring them back into a right relationship with God. This passage is not really talking about the occasional sin or slip up; rather, it is referring to a lifestyle of sin and disobeying God.  We can’t stop there though because the New Testament calls us to also live in peace with other believers.

It is good to admit that the right path is not always clear.  You are correct.  That uncertainty gives us the opportunity for growth as we continue to mature.   Part of living a God filled life is walking through those unclear times and depending upon God for clarity in His timing.

Let’s glance at the context of this passage…

The context of the Matthew passage is a childlike state.  Jesus informs us we must come to him in a childlike state… kind of a childlike faith perhaps.  He then goes on to describe how we are to protect these childlike new believers and concludes the passage by by saying we not only protect them but also discipline like a child.  Don’t let all the child talk offend you because it really is a good analogy for us all.   Jesus ends the passage with the command for forgiveness.

Okay… so I have already hinted that I’m not going to really answer this question.  I’m going to encourage you to continue on the journey of asking God if, when, where and how.  I believe He will answer you.

Here are some conclusions though as you walk this path:

1. We don’t confront because we have been offended or because someone has made a poor choice but rather we confront because of a lifestyle of disobedience.

2. We confront only after personal repentance (remember the spec in the eye verses the log in our own).

3. We confront only after we have personally surrendered to God through offering forgiveness to others where ever it is needed.

4. Using the word confront can be misleading because it must all be done with great humility and peace.

5. Sometimes only forgiveness is what is called for.

Finally, continue this journey!

More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist