Worry does not change tomorrow, it only ruins today.


Thank You Father

Small things, BIG difference.  That is exactly what Paul’s letter to the Philippians can help you create in your life.  (Read Philippians chapter 4)

Rightly think, say and do… now go and know… God is with you.

When we allow worry, dread, fear and anxiety to run wildly through our minds we are doing what comes naturally to us.  We are giving worry, dread, fear and anxiety control because what is allowed to continually run freely through our minds, controls the direction of our lives… our attitudes… our emotions… our words… our reactions… our decisions.

Worry does not change one thing about tomorrow, it simply ruins  today.

Paul said… do not allow worry to rule you.  Capture those thoughts, don’t give them freedom to run wild.  Capture them… and fix your thoughts in a new direction.  Fix them… you tell them where to go and what to dwell upon.  You make a conscience choice to control your mind instead of living by reacting.

The first step in wiping out worry is to offer every situation to God through a conversation with Him.  A conversation… you telling God what is on your mind then trusting Him through the journey (trusting that He has a plan for your life and He will not leave you to walk through this alone).   Paul tells us to offer the situation to God and then thank Him.  Wow… that sounds crazy.  Don’t just offer Him the situation and then leave off thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is critical because in that process lies profound change.  The change of perspective which takes away the consuming power of worry.  It might be impossible to focus on worry when we are consumed with thankfulness. Try it… see what happens.

For today:

If you are like me, you have trouble thinking of what to be thankful for when worry invades your mind.  So let’s get prepared before worry attacks.

Pause now and create an “I thank you Father” list.  List everything that comes to mind for which you are thankful to God.  Keep the list with you and add to it…. let is grow and grow and the next time worry trespasses into your thoughts… give the situation to God and then use your list to start thanking Him.

Ready?  Let’s go.

More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist