Make your actions follow-though to habit and the Goal… you will grab it.


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Make your actions follow-through to habit and the goal… you will grab it!   Woo Hoo!!

Actions… those things you do.  We get to choose our actions.  The sooner in the day we choose them, the more likely we are to do them before everything gets crazy and begins competing for our attention.   Sooner is better for most of us even though that requires more discipline and self motivation.  As our day goes on we get too busy and by the end of the day we are too tired or emotionally done with our day.  Sooner is better for most of us.

But of what actions are we speaking?  Great question.  Prayer journaling (not to relay wants but to really relate… it is a conversation with God, not merely a shopping list).  Personal Bible study (not for information but for transformation).  Scripture memory (for power, not to impress people as man of the hour).  Giving as God’s money manager, not a restaurant tipper.  Serving, sharing, loving because in us He is overflowing.  These are actions that we must choose.  They will never simply appear in our lives.

Habits… those things we do consistently because they have become a natural part of our daily lives.  I have many habits.  I have a habit of setting my alarm every night before I go t bed.  I have habits in the morning which include getting dressed and brushing my teeth.  I have habits during the day which include eating several meals.  I have habits at work.  I have habits at home.  I have habits in relationships.  The truth is most things that get accomplished during the day evolve from some type of habit.  You make a decision to do an action over and over and eventually it becomes a habit.  Some people say it takes about 30 days to create a habit and only a few days to break one (that is not an addiction).  I can’t tell you how long it will take to create some new, healthy habits but I can say this… just keep deciding to do the action over and over, day after day… and don’t stop.  The habit will form.  Don’t worry about how long it will take.  Just decide to do it like you decide to set your alarm, get dressed and brush your teeth.  Just do it.

If you are the creative type you might come up with a system of your own.  Need some help?  Check it out for free with The Power Pack online, The Power Pack app, or purchase a printed copy at the Connections Table on Sunday.

Here is a tip… don’t try to create a habit with each of the above actions all at once.  Pick one and get started.  Then in a few weeks add another… then another.

Goal.,. that for which you are striving.  The goal is not an easier life.  Jesus actually promises the opposite.  The goal is not to do more good to make up for the bad we have done.  The goal is not to meet an obligation like paying our bills so the creditors don’t come after us.  The goal is not for personal gain.  Paul tells us what the goal is in Philippians chapter 3 (pause and take a look at it if you don’t recall).  The goal is knowing Him more.  The goal is relationship.  These are the tools of relationship God has given us to know Him more and more and more.

Grab it… it is yours for the taking.  Jesus died in order that you might live with Him every day.  Grab it.  Make your actions follow-through to habit and the goal you will grab it!

Ready?  Let’s do it.






More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist