my journey


Jesus is praying for you!

Jesus is praying for you, cheering for you, waiting to see you live the life you were created to live. Let’s live that life today. John 17:20 (NLT) Jesus said… “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.”...

Thoughts on “I’m a runner”… week 2

OK… Sundays can be long for church planters and their set up ministry partners and today was no exception. Today’s journey began at 5 a.m. as I got up and headed to the office where I wrapped up some administrative details for today.  By 6:50 I was headed to the house to pick up my son, who sets up and runs the media for KidMo. His alarm didn’t go off so I woke him up and told him to have...

The Heart 278

Now you can be encouraged during the week also… go to and in the upper right corner search for “Stuttgart Harvest Church”… there you will find our station.  Sunday afternoons will be dedicated to previous messages while all other times will feature great music.  You can listen from your computer and from several versions of smart phones.  Tune in… and search for Stuttgart Harvest Church.   As our audience grows, we will move to commercial free.  : )...

Who is accepted here…

Great question… who is accepted here? Does your life have to be all in order?  Do you need to have perfect children and a wonderful marriage?  Do all of your bills need to be caught up?  Do you have to have leather interior in your suv?  Do you need to stop smoking, chewing or dipping before you attend?  What will happen if someone finds out you have a drinking problem?  Let your fears begin to disappear… we are all kinds...