People matter more than things



The book of Matthew tells us, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Here are a few quick observations and leftover thoughts from Sunday.
1.  He saw them.  Jesus saw them.  He was up close and personal.  He was sharing their space.  He was near.
Question:  Are we near those who are not connected with Jesus or are we content being distant and busy?

2.  He saw them.  Jesus saw them.  He took notice… special notice of them… because they matter.
Question: How are we proving that people matter to God?

3. He had compassion.  Jesus had compassion for them.  He was not worried about where He was going to sleep that night… not about the weather… not about his hunger… no.  He was concerned about them. 
Question: How is your compassion invested? ….on yourself or on others?

4. They were hurting and wandering.  The people were in need… even if they were not aware of their need.
Question: What can you do today to see the world around you the way Jesus sees it?  How can you love those who are hurting and wandering?

More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist