Another step closer…


Don’t stop now.  There is more.

It is possible to step toward others in relationships but still be alone and isolated.  We can hold the important things back.  We must learn to be vulnerable (scary… I know).

To be vulnerable means to be open to criticism or attack.  In a healthy relationship where you are learning to connect, you need to be so open that you feel open to attack.  It is a skill to be learned but when you are vulnerable in a healthy relationship, you are allowing love to take root in the relationship.

Most of us have roadblocks of distorted thinking which keep us from healthy, deep relationships. Our distorted thinking keeps us repeating what happened to us in the past… over and over again.  That simply means this, as long as we keep looking at things through our childhood eyes, our past will continue to be our future.

Today… begin to ask God to reveal His truth to you by showing you some of your distorted thinking patterns.  Your past relationships helped you develop them and your new relationships will help you relearn new and better thinking.  It is all part of God’s grace plus truth plus time.


More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist