Don’t Stop Now


I know all of this feels risky… because it is risky.  You are going to have to take risks if you are ever going to connect with others in a deep relationship.  Even Jesus took risks.  He took risks on all of us.  He took risks with you.

Listen to Jesus’ invitation: “‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me’” (Rev. 3:20).

He is standing there… knocking… waiting to see if the door will be opened.  He is taking a risk.  The door may not open.  The relationship may not happen.  He is risking getting hurt.

You are going to have to take a risk now and open the door.  God will knock… others will come toward your life and knock.  You must not let your distorted thinking keep you from opening the door to relationship.  The door will stay shut if you do and a real relationship will not happen.

Today… take the risk of getting hurt again.  Jesus did.


More about harleypetty

Husband, Father, imperfect Christ-follower, artist