message followup


Famous Fruit

Famous Fruit The Fruit heard round the world. When our branch produces fruit… God gets the word out. When we are ever growing in our ability to love the Father, family and friends God sees to it that fruit is produced on us, the branches. Living in such a way can be called, “living in the light”. And it is this light, the light of Jesus, that absorbs into the leaves of our lives to nourish us, strengthen us to...

Here to make dreams come true

We weren’t created to make our small dreams come true.  We were created to make God’s dreams come true. What are those dreams? At creation God dreamed of you choosing to love Him. At the cross He proved it. At creation He dreamed of calling you friend. At the cross He showed us how. At creation He dreamed of your choices, thoughts and actions all bringing great glory to Him. At the cross he set the example. At creation He...

Thoughts on “I’m a runner”… week 2

OK… Sundays can be long for church planters and their set up ministry partners and today was no exception. Today’s journey began at 5 a.m. as I got up and headed to the office where I wrapped up some administrative details for today.  By 6:50 I was headed to the house to pick up my son, who sets up and runs the media for KidMo. His alarm didn’t go off so I woke him up and told him to have...

People matter more than things

The book of Matthew tells us, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Here are a few quick observations and leftover thoughts from Sunday. 1.  He saw them.  Jesus saw them.  He was up close and personal.  He was sharing their space.  He was near. Question:  Are we near those who are not connected with Jesus or are we content being distant and busy? 2.  He...